looking forward to the semester

My last semester, despite a decently project-heavy design class, was focused on getting oriented to the major theories and methods in the world of instructional design. I’m not sure how complete my orientation is at this point, but this semester my time will be more devoted to getting practical experience with design projects. My efforts for these coming months will be generally divided between 1) an advanced design class, where my class will be working together as a design-team for a real-world client, 2) a largely self-directed programming class, where I will basically be choosing what I want to learn based on the project I choose to complete by the end of the semester, and 3) an internship with BYU International Study Programs (ISP), where I will be working as an assistant instructor and facilitator for the Field Study Programs preparation course. Aside from these projects, which make up the majority of my course credits, I will also be participating in the weekly IP&T seminar, as well as a one-credit class on learning through social media (assuming the class carries—look into IP&T 692R section 004 before the Add/Drop deadline if you’re interested in being my classmate!). In short, it’s looking to be an exciting, engaging semester.

I’m a big believer in writing as a tool for learning and growth, and in collaboration as a necessary component of innovative thinking. I hope and intend for this blog to be a place where I can sort through experiences and develop ideas on learning, teaching, and design in the coming weeks and months and beyond, and welcome the conversation of those who may share my interests.